Thursday, 26 November 2015

Concert: Interlace @iklectik Art Lab, Friday 4 December

iklectik Art Lab

Old Paradise Yard, 20 Carlisle Lane
(Royal Street Corner) London SE1 7LG

Friday 04 December 2015 : 7:30pm
Jane Dickson - piano & Ute Kanngiesser - cello
Norman Adams - cello & Sebastian Lexer - piano+
Ute Kanngiesser - cello & Norman Adams - cello

Entry: £7 / concession donations
for further details visit

Monday, 23 November 2015

Talk: CMRU, George E. Lewis, 24 November 2015

Contemporary Music Research Unit (CMRU) Lecture Series 2015

Goldsmiths, University of London

In association with the Institute for Musical Research, the CMRU presents this evening lecture in Senate House.

George E. Lewis

When: 24 November 2015, 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Where: Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU ( map)
Cost: free / all welcome

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Concert: Ensemble Interface, 19 November 2015

Concert: Ensemble Interface

Thursday 19 November, 7.30pm, Council Chamber, Deptford Town Hall, Goldsmiths

In November 2015 Ensemble Interface is heading to the United Kingdom for a touring project, featuring new pieces by Patricia Alessandrini, Pedro Alvarez, Martin Iddon and Mauricio Pauly.

One of the purposes of this project is to support the development and performance of pieces by UK-based composers, all the while encouraging the exchange between composers, ensemble and audience through various workshop formats. Performances will be accompanied by workshops for students and open panel discussions for the audience, purposing to deepen the interest and the understanding towards this repertoire.

The project has been granted support by the Sound and Music Touring Programme. Ensemble Interface achieved this award after entering into a competitive process with over 70 other applicants. In Sound and Music’s view, Interface project “offers a very exciting prospect to both audiences and composers in England”. The project is also supported by the Britten-Pears Foundation and the Goethe-Institut.

Call for Contributions: eContact! 17.4 — Analogue and Modular Synthesis: Resurgence and evolution

The Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC) is now accepting submissions for an upcoming issue of eContact!, the online journal for electroacoustics published four times a year by the CEC. We are pleased to have Richard Scott as Guest Editor for eContact! 17.4.

An idea emerging from Manchester’s 2014 Sines&Squares Festival, initiated by our Guest Editor, forms the core of the topics explored in this issue, with focus including modular synthesis in live performance, improvisation and fixed media, gender and synthesis, programming, patching and methodology.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Talk: Christopher Fox: The Feeling of Remembering: memory and musical form, 5pm 10 November 2015

This talk focuses on three recent works, 'The Dark Road', 'The Feeling of Remembering' and 're:play', each of which considers a different aspect of the role of memory in musical form: as aural history, as a cognitive process and as psycho-drama.

Christopher Fox is a composer, teacher and writer on new music. Between 1984 and 1994 he was a member of the composition staff of the Darmstadt New Music Summer School. During 1987 he lived in West Berlin as a guest of the DAAD Berlin Artists Programme. He joined the University of Huddersfield in 1994, eventually becoming professor of composition; he joined Brunel University London as professor of music in April 2006. 

Conference & CfP: Sound Art Matters, 1-4 June 2016



The current art field is full of sound: audible and inaudible, infrasound, ultrasound, sound machines, sound installations, field recordings, digital sounds, biological sounds, sound walks, sounds from instruments, voices, nature, sonifications of data and so on. Sound art comprises a wide range of different artistic practices in which sound is a central element. It occurs in a variety of formats and contexts, crossing conventional boundaries between art genres and institutions. Despite this abundance of sonic expressions, sound art is still, as Christoph Cox noted in 2011, ‘profoundly undertheorized’. 

Call for Papers here

Monday, 9 November 2015

Talk: J.J. Jeczalik, 12 November 2015

Date: November 12th, 16.00-17.00
Location: Goldsmiths, Richard Hoggart Building Room 167

J.J. Jeczalik is a founder member of the Art of Noise and played an important role in many early Trevor Horn and ZTT projects as the creative programmer of the Fairlight CMI digital sampling synthesizer. JJ Jeczalik has been involved with many music projects over the years, featuring the likes of Kate Bush, Godley & Creme, Paul McCartney, Yes, and many others. Most of these sessions happened during the '80s, and JJ was there to man the Fairlight -- the pioneering Australian sampling machine that was sprung upon an unsuspecting world in 1979. It was with the same radical, punk-influenced outlook that he made his mark on the music of one of the most seminal hi-tech bands of all time: the Art Of Noise. Much of the weirdness and incongruity of Art Of Noise music was the result of JJ's disregard for musical and studio conventions. Art Of Noise transgressed many of them, going out on a limb with sonic innovations, and spreading their musical net over pastoral, ambient pieces like 'Moments In Love', to upbeat hits like their collaborations with Duane Eddy, in 'Peter Gunn', and Tom Jones, in their glorious reworking of the Prince song, 'Kiss'.

All are welcome to attend these public masterclasses but priority will be given to students on the BMus Popular Music programme.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Event: Noizemaschin!! #1, 3 November 2015

Date; Tuesday 3 November, 7.30pm
Venue: Amersham Arms, 388 New Cross Road, SE14 6TY London, United Kingdom
£5 entry

Album: Hollow Blown Egg

SPR member Dr. Lisa Busby has
started a DIY campaign for her upcoming debut solo album. The single and video 'Hollow Blown Egg' are out now, and the album comes out in mid November. The album uses improvisations on playback media and other simple sound making devices as a basis for songwriting, and explores a territory where melody meets noise and collage, and song fragments float in larger structuresYou can see the video for the single here - - 
as well as access free downloads.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Friday, 31 July 2015

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Installation: Carsten Nicolai, Unicolor, 24 June - 2 August 2015

An extension of his fascination with the boundaries between audio and visual art forms, Carsten Nicolai’s new work will stretch panoramic wavelengths of blue, red, green and grey to infinity, confronting the viewer with a visceral expanse of colour and sound to test the limits of perception.

Developing Nicolai’s previous projects univrs/uniscope version (2010) and unidisplay (2012), unicolour will unfold against a mirrored wall to give the impression of infinity, drawing inspiration from a huge range of influences from Goethe’s Theory Of Colour to the work of artists Josef Albers and Johannes Itten.

uniciolour will also mark a year of site-specific installations at Brewer Street Car Park, and bring Nicolai back into contact with long time collaborator Ryoji Ikeda, whose installation supersymmetry attracted over 15,000 visitors last month. Influenced in equal measure by data, mathematic codes and random or self-organising structures, the pair have spent the last fifteen years researching the potential of digital technologies in audio-visual art.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Event: Sonic Arts Forum, 25 July 2015

Event: Sonic Immersive Media Lab, Multimedia Event, 12 July 2015

EMS and SPR Concert
Friday 17 July, 7.30pm
Sonic Immersive Media Lab, St James Hatcham, New Cross, London

Featuring special guest Canadian sound artist Jeff Morton and Masters students Rose Dagul Sam Gillies Alex Yiu and Greg McLaren.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Friday, 5 June 2015

Event: Brunel Fly-Bu-Night Concrete Gestures, 19 June 2015

Featuring John Lely and Rob Mullender;

Conference: Music and/as Process, 6 June 2015

The 3rd Annual RMA Music and/as ProcessStudy Group will take place on 6th June at Goldsmiths, University of London with the support of the Contemporary Music Research Unit at Goldsmiths.

This year the Music and/as Process study group extends our focus on practice-led research by hosting a day of practice-led presentations (including compositions and performances) as a mini-festival. The day will take in composition, performance and lecture recitals and include a keynote lecture given by Dr Bryn Harrison (University of Huddersfield) and a keynote performance including Bryn Harrison’s Vessels given by pianist Mark Knoop.

Schedule here.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Event: Vocal Vertebra #1. 29 May 2015.

Vocal Vertebra #1

Hosted by Goldsmiths’ Sound Practice Research and presenting works in sound, performance and multimedia poetry. 

Developed in Writers Forum Workshop, Vocal Vertebra is a one-night festival that celebrates the lexicon of the body. The gestures, movements and uses of the tongue, of the palms, the teeth, the chest, etc. Articulations that shape an interaction of a body both with its outside and its inside, providing the basis for an articulation of its subjectivity and its objectivity.

With performances by
Lawrence Upton, Olga Pek & Zuzana Husárová, Steven Hitchins, Gregorio Fontén, and the Writers Forum Workshop Polyvocal (Marco, Uran, Maria Jose, Lawrence, Gregorio, Matt, Adrian & Luna) and generous support from Czech Centre London and Pilsner Urquel

29th of May

Recital Room 167
Richard Hoggart Building
Goldsmiths University, New Cross, 
London. SE14 6NW

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Event: SoundCamp, 2-3 May 2015

SoundCamp is a series of outdoor listening events on International Dawn Chorus Day, linked by Reveil: a 24 hour broadcast of the sounds of daybreak, relayed live by audio streamers around the globe. 

Reveil starts in Rotherhithe near the Greenwich Meridian and travels West from one open microphone to the next, picking up audio feeds from forest cams, very low frequency receivers, deep ocean hydrophones and a network of soundcamps and individual streamers in a sequence lasting one earth day.

Each camp provides a listening and broadcasting point as well as a programme of workshops and walks.

Soundcamps in the UK will be at: Stave Hill Ecological Park, London; Piel View House, Furness Peninsula, Cumbria; Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon; Ulster Museum, Belfast.
Contributors include Zach Poff, Rui Chaves, Eric Leonardson, Anna Friz, Peter Cusack, Lee Paterson, Helmut Lemke, Tony Whitehead, Sarah Gray, Richard Povall, Angus Carlyle, John Grzinich, Leandro Pisano, Raffaele Mariconte, Lars Johansson, Udo Noll, Dawn Scarfe, Ky Lewis, with additional streamers at Locus Sonus and elsewhere.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Call for Music and Sound Artworks: Sounds, Images and Data 2015

July 23 – 24 – 25, 2015

Conference Venues: New York University, Steinhardt School.

Sounds, Images and Data 2015 is a conference that analyzes the role of the artists and curators in creating new experiences and aesthetics in the 21st century. The conference is calling for abstracts but also for Music Scores and Sounds Artworks.

OCR as part of its institutional scope is partnering with international institutions in order to develop a curated exhibition that will be displayed both in physical and online spaces. Curated by Lanfranco Aceti and Tae Hong Park the artworks will challenge established notions of contemporary aesthetic and experiment with media technology and data. Contemporary artworks and music scores from artists will be selected and allocated in a series of venues, in order to provide an understanding of the developments that have characterized the past fifteen years: 2000 to 2015.

Facebook event page:

Call for Music and Sound Artworks

SID 2015 invites submissions of musical works and sound artworks for presentation at the conference. We are particularly interested in works that touch on combinations of Sound, Image, and Data. Two works may be submitted but only one work will be programmed. There are no submission fees but conference registration is required.


Deadline for Abstracts, Music and Sound Artworks: Extended to April 17, 2015.

To register, stay informed and receive updates please subscribe to the newsletter.

This conference is part of a series of events on sound, images and data organized and chaired by Lanfranco Aceti as part of the OCR research projects.

We acknowledge the gracious support of New York University, Steinhardt School, and Goldsmiths, University of London.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Event: Revisiting Those Words: Failed Attempts as Material, Maria Chavez, 16 & 17 March 2015

Revisiting Those Words: Failed Attempts as Material

The Sound Practice Research Unit is delighted to announce two exciting events happening here in the Department next week, featuring Visiting Research Fellow Maria Chavez. These events highlight Maria Chavez's unique approach to her practice, and present an opportunity to engage creatively with the notion of failure as artists.


PART 1: LECTURE, 16/3/15 18:30 RHB 167
Maria Chavez will present a unique lecture discussing past proposals that were rejected by arts organizations and galleries during her 10 years as a professional sound artist. REVISITING THOSE WORDS: FAILED ATTEMPTS AS MATERIAL will include information about Chavez’s turntable performance work, her focus on the gender neutral position of chance and how failure and rejection has shaped her career.

PART 2: WORKSHOP, 17/3/15 11:30 RHB 274
Students are invited to join Maria for an in depth look into their own practice and their relationship with failure. Participants are encouraged to bring examples of rejected proposals, projects and objects that have yet to see the light of day.


Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Call for papers: Histories, Theories and Practices of Sound Art, Deadline 22 March 2015

Histories, Theories and Practices of Sound Art, Deadline 22 March 2015

Following the May 2014 conference at Goldsmiths, University of London and the Courtauld Institute of Art, Leonardo Electronic Almanac have announced that the following call for papers has been extended until 22 March 2015 for an issue on Histories, Theories and Practices of Sound Art with a specific focus on curation. Please see below for full details.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Installation: Trevor Jackson's F O R M A T. 27 February - 2 March 2015

Trevor Jackson's F O R M A T with the Vinyl Factory at Brewer Street Car Park, open to the public from tomorrow - more information here

Event: Call & Response 8th Dispatch. 27 Feb 2015

Call & Response 8th Dispatch: a new collection of multichannel sound works

27th Feb 2015    

C&R Space
Enclave, Unit 9
50 Resolution Way

In conjunction with Last Fridays at Enclave, London, Call & Response will present a new programme of multichannel sound works in 13.1 channels.  This month's programme consists of works by Caterina BarbieriAmma AteriaManuella Blackburn and Natasha Barrett.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Talk: 'The Exotic Experiment: interactive climatic art project for astronauts'. Goldsmiths, 3 February 2015.

Music Research Series and the Unit for Sound Practice Research presents: Ludwig on 'THE EXOTIC EXPERIMENT: interactive climatic art project for astronauts'.

Event: Sounding the Great Hall. 7-8 February 2015

Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th Feb

23 artists exploring the acoustics of the Great Hall via an unusual 8-speaker system.
This event is continuous. The audience are free to come in and out, sit in the space, walk around the space, eat, drink and listen.


Friday, 16 January 2015

Music Research Series: Rebecca Fiebrink. 20 January 2015

"Machine learning as a tool for supporting exploration, embodiment, and complexity in musical interactions"
Rebecca Fiebrink (presented by the Unit for Sound Practice Research) is a faculty member in Computing at Goldsmiths, University of London, and will talk on digital sociology, digital cultures, web science, data science-what's the difference? 

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Music Research Series: Nicolas Collins. 15 January 2015

Nicolas Collins (presented by the Unit for Sound Practice Research) gives this evenings paper on his recent work and research, illustrated with audio and video clips.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Event: 840, John Lely. 31 January 2015

Forthcoming concert featuring Goldsmiths/EMS alumni John Lely.

A new experimental music series called 840

7:30pm on Saturday 31 January 2015 at St James’ Church, Islington, N1 8PF.

The concert features The Manon Quartet, winners of the 2014 Cavatina Intercollegiate String Quartet Competition, presenting brand new commissions from Louis d'HeudieresMatthew Lee KnowlesNeil LuckAlex Nikiporenkomyself and Tristan Rhys Williams. The centrepiece of the concert is provided by the piece Doubles (2012) by John Lely (Goldsmiths Alumni).

Advance tickets are £6 (no booking fee!) and available from:
