The Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC) is now accepting submissions for an upcoming issue of eContact!, the online journal for electroacoustics published four times a year by the CEC. We are pleased to have Richard Scott as Guest Editor for eContact! 17.4.
An idea emerging from Manchester’s 2014 Sines&Squares Festival, initiated by our Guest Editor, forms the core of the topics explored in this issue, with focus including modular synthesis in live performance, improvisation and fixed media, gender and synthesis, programming, patching and methodology.
We welcome contributions on themes that fall within the following list of categories, but also invite potential contributors to propose their own categories and ideas!
Topics relating to modular synthesizer history;
Instrument, module and synthesizer design;
Overlapping communities of users, designers and manufacturers, etc.
Relations between modular practices and the DIY community;
Characteristics of the resurgence of analogue and modular practices;
Modular synthesis and live performance;
Modular synthesis and improvisation;
Women, gender and modular scenes and practices;
Towards/against fixed media: Integration and co-existence? Conflict and avoidance?
Studio reports or commentaries on individual work(s);
Artist galleries.
Further information -
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