Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Call for papers: Histories, Theories and Practices of Sound Art, Deadline 22 March 2015

Histories, Theories and Practices of Sound Art, Deadline 22 March 2015

Following the May 2014 conference at Goldsmiths, University of London and the Courtauld Institute of Art, Leonardo Electronic Almanac have announced that the following call for papers has been extended until 22 March 2015 for an issue on Histories, Theories and Practices of Sound Art with a specific focus on curation. Please see below for full details.

Histories, Theories and Practices of Sound Art - Leonardo Electronic Almanac

Senior Editor: Lanfranco Aceti
Editors: James Bulley, John Levack Drever, Morten Søndergaard

Call for papers

Traditionally, the curator has been affiliated to the modern museum as the persona who manages an archive, and arranges and communicates knowledge to an audience, according to fields of expertise (art, archaeology, cultural or natural history etc.). However, in the later part of the 20th century the role of the curator changes – first on the art-scene and later in other more traditional institutions – into a more free-floating, organizational and ’constructive’ activity that allows the curator to create and design new wider relations, interpretations of knowledge modalities of communication and systems of dissemination to the wider public.

Topics include:
  • Curating Interfaces for Sound + Archives
  • Methodologies of Sound Art Curating
  • Histories of Sound Art Curating
  • Theories of Sound Art Curating
  • Practices and Aesthetics of Sound Art
  • Sound in Performance
  • Curating Interfaces for Sound + Archives
  • Methodologies of Sound Art Curating
  • Histories of Sound Art Curating
  • Theories of Sound Art Curating
  • Practices and Aesthetics of Sound Art
  • Sound in Performance
  • Sound in Relation to Visuals

For scholarly papers, please, submit the final paper ready for peer review. Your contribution will be reviewed by at least two members of the LEA board and revisions may be requested subject to review.

Guidelines for paper proposals:

(a) Email your submission to info@leoalmanac.org. Subject heading: Sound Art Curating
For those of you that have submitted to the previous two editions of the conference via EasyChair - that system is managed by Morten Sondergaard and unfortunately there seems to be a problem with retrieving all of the papers. Please do resubmit to info@leoalmanac.org for consideration for publication.
Lea is a highly regarded international academic publication and the Editor in Chief expects due diligence from all submitters.

(b) Length for full articles: around 5,000 words. Abstract: around 500 words (in .doc format.)

(d) Images: A single full page image should be at least 18,5 cm (width) x 26 cm (height) and must be at 300 dpi minimum, .TIFF preferred (otherwise .JPG). A double spread (an image on two adjacent pages) should be at least 36,2 cm (width) x 26 cm (height) and must be 300 dpi minimum. (Do not forget image captions, credits, and copyright notices.)

(e) Download a sample paper here: http://www.leoalmanac.org/sample-paper/

(f) Send signed copyright forms along with your paper. Download copyright forms here: http://www.leoalmanac.org/copyright-forms/

(g) Further guidelines, including author checklist and how to avoid common mistakes: http://www.leoalmanac.org/category/guidelines/

(h) Deadline for submission of full articles: March 22, 2015.

(i) After the reviews are complete with communication to authors expected on June 1, 2015, you will receive a letter of acceptance and a publication schedule.

All proposals should be sent to: info@leoalmanac.org

Our publication formats allow for full-colour throughout and we encourage rich pictorial content where relevant and possible. 

Note, however, that all material submitted must be copyright-cleared (or due diligence must be evidenced).
For further information or image submission, contact: Ozden.Sahin@leoalmanac.org
    For themed and pictorial essays, please, submit an abstract or outline for editorial consideration and further discussion.
      Please keep your news, announcements and hyperlinks brief and focused; include contact details and a link to an external site where relevant.
        We reserve the right to sub-edit your submissions in order to comply with LEA policies and formats. Where material is time-sensitive, please, include both embargo and expiry dates.
          Failure to comply with in house referencing style and format as well as with copyright clearance for images will result in the rejection of your submission at any stage of the process. Acceptance of papers after review is conditional to your due diligence and compliance with all matters in particular referencing style and copyright clearance. No exceptions will be made.

          We look forward to hearing from you!

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