Event: Vocal Vertebra #1. 29 May 2015.
Vocal Vertebra #1
Hosted by Goldsmiths’ Sound Practice Research and presenting works in sound, performance and multimedia poetry.
Developed in Writers Forum Workshop, Vocal Vertebra is a one-night festival that celebrates the lexicon of the body. The gestures, movements and uses of the tongue, of the palms, the teeth, the chest, etc. Articulations that shape an interaction of a body both with its outside and its inside, providing the basis for an articulation of its subjectivity and its objectivity.
With performances by
Lawrence Upton, Olga Pek & Zuzana Husárová, Steven Hitchins, Gregorio Fontén, and the Writers Forum Workshop Polyvocal (Marco, Uran, Maria Jose, Lawrence, Gregorio, Matt, Adrian & Luna) and generous support from Czech Centre London and Pilsner Urquel
29th of May
Recital Room 167
Richard Hoggart Building
Goldsmiths University, New Cross,
London. SE14 6NW
Amoeba: Zuzana Husárová – Olga Pek. — Video & sound: Ľubomír Panák.
When an amoeba divides in two, does it stop existing? This multimedia poetry performance explores individuality, binarity, generativity and affective force, mixing them in a cocktail of biological, philosophical, feminist and futuristic fragments that span antiquity to the present and beyond. Protean as an amoeba, it oscillates between technopoesis, sound manipulation and lyrical (t)hereness.
Lawrence Upton
Poet; graphic artist; sound artist: curator. Three walking poems (2015 - forthcoming); wrack (2012); Memory Fictions (2012); & Unframed Pictures (2011). Co-edited Word Score Utterance Choreography (1998) with Bob Cobbing. Singing Marram (for solo viola / Benedict Taylor) & Dark Voices (for duets by voice and viola, with Benedict Taylor) (both CDs, 2013). Recent magazine publishers: hand and poetry (Can.) ex ex lit (USA), Utsanga (Italy), Regime (Aus), Coldfront (USA), Blackbox Manifold (UK) Shadowtrain (UK), OnBarcelona (USA) and Nowt (UK). Solo exhibitions UK 2012. Directs Writers Forum. Visiting Research Fellow in Music, Goldsmiths, University of London. lawrenceupton.org
Steven Hitchins
Presenting a collaborative performance with Camilla Nelson, investigating the evolution of the Welsh coal forests and relationships between text and environment. Pages of photographed text were left to deteriorate in a coalfield swamp and the decayed remnants translated using OCR text recognition programs and the imagination: a petrifaction process echoing the fossilisation of prehistoric plants in the coal measures of South Wales.
Gregorio Fonten
PhD candidate in Sonic Arts at the Department of Music in Goldsmiths College, working with field recording, sound and visual poetry, songwriting and generative/algorithmic computer design for audio and video.
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